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Accessible Design is Good Design

Golkin Room, Houston Hall


  • Marjan Osman Gartland, Director of Creative Strategy and Design – University Life Central
  • Hannah Urkowitz, UX Web Designer – Wharton External Affairs
  • Aaron Spector, Director of Student Disability Services – Weingarten Center


Does the term “web accessibility” bring to mind a jumble of confusing guidelines and unnecessary red tape? This panel of disability and design experts reveals that accessible design is good design. Learn why accessibility matters to a broad base of audience members and take away a practical understanding of design principles that meet accessibility standards while helping your content communicate more clearly to all end-users. Designing with accessibility in mind does not have to be an extra burden. In fact, accessibility is a pathway to better, more user-friendly design.


This session is part of the 2023 SALT (Student Affairs Leadership Team) Conference, SHIFT Happens: The Evolving Landscape of Higher Education. To register for free, please visit SALT Conference Registration.